What is better to take an iPhone and Android. Which is better Android or iPhone? Alternative stores and third-party applications

Inexperienced users, going to the browser search page or visiting a real store, ask the question, which is better - a smartphone or an Android? It is worth understanding that this formulation is initially incorrect, because a smartphone and Android are two completely different concepts that complement each other and create a single functioning product – a smartphone.

Often these two concepts are separated for the reason that a smartphone may have another operating system, and the consumer is interested in a comparison between two devices, one of which runs on Android. But no less often the question arises, what is better - an iPhone or a smartphone? It is precisely such errors in formulation that lead to misunderstandings. In this article you will find all the information you need about the two most popular operating systems for phones today.

What's better: a smartphone or an Android phone?

First, let's figure out what the difference is between a smartphone and a phone with the Android operating system:

  • A smartphone is mobile phone, which has the functions of a pocket computer. A special feature of such a device is the presence of an operating system with great functionality, which is open to the integration of third-party applications. Such a device is also used as a mobile multimedia device.
  • The operating system is essentially the “heart” of a smartphone. Without it, the device is just a shell that is of little value and unusable. Today there are dozens of operating systems for phones. Some of them gain popularity and become famous, others stop developing because they are not able to compete with more functional and popular platforms.

Important! An example of such a system is Symbian, known from Nokia smartphones, or the MeeGo project.

The following operating systems remain relevant today:

  • Android;
  • Windows 10 Mobile;
  • BlackBerry OS;
  • Sailfish OS;
  • Firefox OS;
  • Ubuntu Touch;
  • Tizen.

With such a large assortment of OS, the question arises, which is better - an Android or a smartphone, and why? Android is much more popular than other platforms, but perhaps less good?

Important! A distinctive feature of an Android smartphone is the ability to practically full customization device to suit your needs. It is with this platform that smartphones are most often released now, since its functionality and capabilities are much greater than those of other operating systems. Of course, we don’t take into account the main competitor in this area – the apple phone system.

Which phone is better - iPhone or Android?

The iOS and Android operating systems are considered to be the closest competitors, and yet they have significant differences. About them and we'll talk Further.


The Apple operating system is a closed-source program source code. No one except programmers and engineers has access to it. To create programs, third-party developers must use the official software development kit and implement in their software only the functionality contained in it.

Apple has protected its operating system from unauthorized use and undocumented capabilities by third-party developers.

Important! Without “hacking”, which, by the way, the company has an extremely negative attitude towards, full access to file system, installing programs from “outside” sources and implementing hidden functionality is simply impossible.

This approach provided the platform with stability, optimization of energy consumption, and protection from malware and viruses. But at the same time, many consumers did not appreciate such restrictions and preferred the simpler and more understandable Android.

Android is a system whose software code is open. Theoretically, anyone can access the platform, modify the system, change, add and remove functions at their discretion. Therefore, such devices are considered more vulnerable to malware by default.

Important! Any smartphone manufacturer, subject to Google's recommendations, can officially install this operating system on their products.


  • The graphical shell of the Apple platform has an attractive appearance, but has limitations in functionality. iOS doesn't support widgets on the home screen, and desktop controls won't be to everyone's taste. The iPhone user has to pay by giving up useful functions for the beautiful appearance of the system.
  • Android allows you to use third-party graphical shells. Similar applications exist in Play Market enough.

Important! If desired, the user can give his own operating system view of the same iOS, or any other platform. iPhone owners do not have this option.


The question of whether to choose an iPhone or a smartphone is decided not in favor of the former by the organization of memory:

  • Access to memory in Apple phones is limited. You cannot move around it freely, like on a personal computer. There is also no option to expand the memory using a memory card or USB drive.
  • There are no such shortcomings in Android.

Important! It is worth noting, however, that the creators of smartphones with this platform are also gradually abandoning the installation of a MicroSD slot, but more and more devices are equipped with USB OTG support.

Advantages of iPhone

At first glance, Android is better and more convenient in everything. But there are a number of important aspects that do not allow us to give the palm to this platform. In search of an answer to the question, which is better - an iPhone or chinese smartphone, the cost of the device plays an important role.

Phones based on Android are found several times cheaper, however, it is worth considering what led to the price reduction. Often, savings are made through the OS and its subsequent support through updates. As a result, the consumer receives a cheap, but “crude” device, which is characterized by unstable operation of the operating system.

Large manufacturers like LG or Samsung are less famous for such actions, and only in the case of budget devices. However, their reputation also suffers, and Apple fans claim that the unstable and flawed Android system is to blame.

A positive aspect of the iPhone can also be considered the strict selection of software, since any program downloaded to the AppStore functions stably on 1 GB random access memory. There are applications in the Play Market that slow down even 2 GB of RAM.

Not everyone knows the following interesting and unexpected facts about such devices. Perhaps some of them will become a decisive argument in favor of purchasing a particular device:

  • Initially, the Android operating system was written as software for digital cameras. The shell, however, turned out to be so successful that it became the basis for the creation of a new OS.
  • On the iOS platform, malware does not exceed 0.7%. This is due to the strict control of the Apple team over all new applications, as well as the closed code of the system.
  • The first smartphone with Android system was released by HTC. All iOS products are manufactured exclusively by Apple.
  • Since the start of iPhone sales, the Apple corporation has increased its income 17 times. This was the impetus for the company to reduce production of devices that were not so successful on the market.

iPhone or smartphone – what to choose?

To draw a conclusion for yourself, you need to decide for what purpose the device is purchased:

  • iPhone is a smartphone with modern functionality, good implementation of multimedia options and a well-developed OS.
  • Android is a universal platform that will appeal to both newcomers to the world mobile devices, and professionals involved in software development. They offer more possibilities for system modification and personal customization.

Important! The purchase decision in favor of the first devices is made by those who are interested in quality with balanced capabilities, while the issue of price is not so important. For supporters of saving, as well as enthusiasts of “tinkering” with their purchase, “Apple” technology can be a big disappointment. For this category of people, an Android smartphone would be a better purchase.

Articles and Lifehacks

Obviously, the debate between Apple fans and fans of other mobile technology manufacturers will never end. It is quite difficult to objectively understand Which is better: Android or iPhone?, since each side is able to bring dozens of arguments in its favor. For example, the question of whether it does not cause such difficulties as in the case of “Apple Phones”. Supporters of Apple gadgets defend the authenticity and reliability of Jobs’ creation, while others argue in defense of the wide capabilities of the operating system with open source.

Than iPhone better than a smartphone on Android?

Let's start with the fact that Apple pays special attention to the quality of applications in the store. App Store(which, unfortunately, cannot be said about Google). This also means that iPhone owners do not have to worry about viruses. We also note that applications on such a device always look great, since they are specially created for a specific resolution.

Apple smartphones are made from higher quality materials than others. It is more durable than devices under Android control(at least this is evidenced by the crash test). The resale price of the gadget is also higher.

Unfortunately, the Android platform is highly fragmented, and therefore some programs simply do not work. This is a significant drawback. Such smartphones contain bloatware, that is software, actually imposed by the manufacturer. These programs load RAM, and periodically conflict with other applications.

Speaking about which is better: Android or iPhone, one cannot help but note the fact that in the past 2013 iOS devices were more popular than those running on Android and other platforms.

Why is an Android device better than an iPhone?

There is an opinion that the hardware of top-end flagships running Android is in no way inferior to Apple, although the materials used still allow one to doubt this. But all the claims that the Android battery power is being consumed too quickly can be easily refuted, since this problem was solved a long time ago. This especially applies to mobile devices from Sony and HTC. By the way, the main problem with iOS 7 is that the battery drains very quickly.

Many Android gadgets today are waterproof. A good example is the Z1 smartphone from Sony. In addition, these devices are equipped with support for NFC technology - at first glance not the most necessary, but in fact very useful.

Supporters of the Android platform note that they are particularly unhappy with the closed code of iOS, as well as the inability to copy files and exchange information between applications in the usual way. In addition, not everyone likes the separate charger and other accessories that come with the iPhone. Many users prefer to use mini-USB, which is suitable for Android gadgets.

The advantages of the Android OS include convenient widgets and the ability to install programs at your own discretion. Moreover, fans Google Chrome will be able to use it freely. The same goes for the more familiar Gmail and Google search.

Voice Siri assistant, which Apple is so proud of, will be useful in Russia only if the user is fluent English language- or this language is native to him. Assistant Google Now not only recognizes the Russian language, but also copes with many other tasks. For example, if you need to find out, there will be no problems.

Another important advantage of Android: the ability to disable background applications. This is especially important if you need to save battery power.

The choice between iOS and Android is always deeply personal. Not everyone likes Apple's minimalism, while fans of this manufacturer constantly talk about the decent level of the App Store and that they are willing to pay for quality. If we prefer to customize the system for ourselves, Android is suitable for us. It should also be taken into account that the above comparison is between the iPhone and expensive Android flagships.

What better android or iPhone? We will look for answers to this eternal question in today’s article.

Buying the most fashion gadget, many are guided by their personal motivation - some choose by cost, others by design, functionality, brand. And someone according to all these criteria at the same time. Modern smartphones and tablets have different software, the most popular of them: Android, iPhone (iOS platform), Windows OS. The latter is not so popular among our compatriots; most often users prefer Android and iOS.

Side by side comparison

For anyone who cares about the design of a smartphone, you can find many designs from manufacturers with the Android system. There is certainly room for your soul to wander here - a variety of display diagonals, the number of speakers, case material, protection against shock and moisture, etc.

Speaking of the iPhone, the laconic design here has not changed dramatically for a very long time. The body shape is the same back cover up to version 4 it was round, but then it “leveled out”. The sides of the case with version 4 also became smoother. But further, no significant difference was noticeable externally. Only the diagonal of the display increased, the material of the case and the color scheme changed. As before, this smartphone retained a universal design that looks harmonious on both a successful businessman and a glamorous diva.

Photo: iPhone 5S model
Photo: Android smartphone model

It cannot be said that the iPhone is more beautiful, and other smartphone manufacturers (Lenovo, Samsung, Sony, Moto, HTC and others) have not finalized the models. Among the assortment of smartphone designs, you can find a very worthy model. Therefore, at this point we do not single out the leader.

Assembly and parts

Since iPhones have been improving their internal components for quite a long time, the quality of their parts and assembly is excellent. Many manufacturers using the Android operating system are more focused on the number and variety of models than on build quality. Rarely do models come out that adequately represent gadgets in their class. But their cost is much higher than other common models (often on par with iPhones).

You can’t even compare, for example, the iPhone 7 and Lenovo K5. Of course, here the Apple smartphone wins many times over in terms of build quality. But the price also differs significantly (almost 5 times). But the Samsung S7 could compete with it in terms of quality of parts and assembly. And the price of Samsung is slightly lower than the price of iPhone.

According to statistics, iPhones last much longer than devices with the Android system. Selling an iPhone is much easier and more profitable than selling Android smartphones. This is due not only to the build quality, but also to the software.

And yet, the build quality of the “apple” must be given due credit. In this it succeeds compared to competitors with Android OS. Therefore, when figuring out which is better android or iPhone in terms of build quality, we give preference to the latter.

Software, applications

Before moving on to this comparison, it is worth noting that only iPhones use the iOS operating system, but many devices from different companies use Android. Therefore, the comparison will take place precisely of these two platforms, rather than specific models smartphones.

1. Platform protection. iOS is a fairly closed platform that does not have any alternatives. iPhones and software for them are produced by one manufacturer, so it is easier to control the compatibility of devices than with Android. Android is open to all sorts of updates that are not suitable for all devices. This may affect system performance and stability.

2. Apple App Store very carefully selects applications that can get onto the device. That's why they work more stably on iPhones than on the Android system. Only a small percentage of malware and applications can get onto the iPhone. The Android store is more clogged with all this and the chance of “picking up” spam and viruses on it is much higher. iOS does not support multimedia platform Adobe Flash, which provided viewing of flash videos and flash applications online on Internet resources. It is Adobe Flash (according to unconfirmed data) that can lead to the entry of “harmful substances” into the system and increased energy consumption. According to rumors, it will soon be abandoned and this will equalize the capabilities of these two platforms.

3. Games have become quite popular on smartphones. There are a large number of games on iPhones with the iOS platform and on gadgets with Android. True, in both cases there is a fragmentation problem (application/game extensions do not match the display extensions and performance).

4. Navigation capabilities. In both cases, the device has GPS navigation, which works accurately by connecting the device to the Internet. Here the Android platform has succeeded over iOS. For iPhones, cards are a fairly new phenomenon. Therefore they are not as perfect as Google Maps, which are often used by Android owners.

5. User-friendly interface. Android is a little more difficult to understand than an iPhone on iOS. Much more convenient and easier to understand. But at the same time, “apples” do not have as many functions for changing themes, wallpapers, and widgets as Android does. Therefore, those who like to adjust everything to their needs will be delighted with the latter.

By all accounts, we can conclude that iOS for iPhone is more adapted, secure and reliable than Android for smartphones.


The iPhone manufacturer slightly underestimated the energy consumption of its smartphone and awarded the 7 Plus version lithium-ion battery capacity of 2900 mAh. For this type of smartphone with a 5.5’’ display, this is clearly a deficiency. By latest reviews About the 7th iPhone, with moderate use it loses its charge in just over a day. And if you use it regularly, you will have to recharge the device much more often. Service life is measured in battery life. With normal use it will last up to 3 years.

Android smartphones have a wide variety of batteries. For example, Lenovo P2 with a 5.5" display has a battery capacity of 5000 mAh, and Meizu M3 with a 6" display has a battery capacity of 4100 mAh. These are more realistic indicators that are necessary for full maintenance of the OS and display. The service life is no different from an iPhone. But not all smartphone models have such a significant capacity, so it is impossible to say for sure based on this parameter that Android or iPhone is better.


If we take into account the number of devices that have Android software, then among them you can find a wide variety in display diagonals, number of colors, and screen resolution. On iPhones this range is more limited. Only latest versions increased in size. Before this, there were 3.5" and 4" formats, at that time Android smartphones were produced 1-1.5'' larger.

Also, the popular Samsung brand has released a smartphone - s7 edge, which for the first time uses the side curves of the display instead of their borders. You can find only positive reviews among buyers of this gadget. Many even say that it is much cooler than the latest iPhone.

As for the display, it must be said that you can find much better characteristics in Android smartphones, fortunately, the choice of manufacturers and models allows.

Accessories and spare parts

In this matter, without further ado, we can immediately give the palm to iPhones. Due to the relatively small model range, accessories are produced for them in very large volumes. If your headset is lost or damaged, finding a new original one is not a problem. The same applies to charger. The abundance of covers, linings, and bumpers is simply amazing.

This cannot be said about Android smartphones, which, due to the wide model range don't have as many accessories. The charging sockets in them have the same format, the headset jack is also standard 3.5 mm. Moreover, non-original options are also suitable. But if it comes to a banal bumper or protective film, it is not always possible to find them for the desired model. Manufacturers of such accessories simply cannot keep up with the pace of release of new Android devices.

Also, if your smartphone breaks down, you can easily find any part for your iPhone. Almost all repairmen and service centers undertake its repair. Android devices do not boast of this. Finding, for example, a display on any Meizu is almost impossible. This makes rare smartphone models practically disposable. If it broke, I threw it away. Only popular ones, which have been put on sale in a decent volume, have a chance of at least getting Chinese spare parts.

Connectors and SIM cards

What a shame, having 2 SIM cards in use, knowing that when buying an iPhone, you will have to forget about one of them. Or buy another phone. Nowadays this is absolutely not practical.

Among smartphones on the Android platform, you can rarely find copies that have only 1 SIM card slot.

Although not everyone needs to use several SIM cards, but one is enough. In this case, these devices are on equal terms and it is impossible to say that an Android or an iPhone is better.

The charger connectors in iPhones and smartphones on another platform are radically different. For Apple there is a unique Lightning connector, and in Android smartphones there is another, very common micro USB. For the headset in both cases the jack is the same.

Photo: iPhone charging connector
Photo: Android charging connector

It’s impossible to say that the connector is better in some places and worse in others. Therefore, here they are equal.

Camera and speakers

As for the camera in iPhones, it has amazing characteristics. Especially when it comes to the latest models. Even the iPhone's 12 megapixel camera is superior to many Android options from different manufacturers. Unless only Sony can create healthy competition, and not all models from this manufacturer.

Macro photography with an iPhone looks much sharper and has better color rendition. The same applies to shooting in backlight. Portrait photography also looks very impressive. The noise level when shooting at dawn, sunset, or in a dim room is acceptable low. Not all smartphones from well-known manufacturers that use the Android platform can boast such characteristics.

Photo: iPhone 6s camera
Photo: Android camera

Therefore, if you choose which is better, Android or iPhone, then the latter is a big plus.

Photo: iPhone 5 speakers
Photo: Android smartphone speakers

Manufacturer service

Arriving anywhere in the world, you can find a specialized service or store to service your iPhone. They are located in almost all major cities. The service is so good that the owners of this gadget have virtually no problems with it - any issues are quickly resolved.

To service your Android smartphone, you need to find a representative office of a specific manufacturer. For example, Samsung can also be found in almost every corner of the world. This also applies to LG customer service centers. Recently, Lenovo has been trying to improve the service.

Consequently, Apple cares more about customer service than other manufacturers.

Comparison results

When choosing between two smartphone platforms, you need to cast aside all doubts and follow your intuition. The times when you won’t surprise anyone with an iPhone have long come. And before choosing your smartphone, think about whether you want to surprise others or just use a reliable and functional phone, and for the right price. Do you want to be the most original? Buy push-button telephone! What, as an option...

Dear readers! If you have any questions or comments on the topic of the article, please leave them below.

The debate about which operating system device is better has been going on for many years. They have arisen since the advent of iOS and Android, and do not subside to this day. Supporters of both systems give a variety of arguments in defense of their OS, and sometimes these arguments, at a minimum, can be called absurd. Today the confrontation between iPhone and Android will be put to an end. In order to understand which is better - iPhone or Android, let's evaluate the systems according to several important criteria.

First, you need to understand the features of the OS and identify the differences between iPhone and Android. The most logical way to do this is based on five criteria:

  • system stability;
  • software compatibility;
  • communications;
  • memory expansion;
  • personalization.


The first criterion that is clearly worth attention is the stability of the operating system. You can often hear from owners of Android devices that the phone freezes, gives errors and sometimes works slowly. The OS is to blame for this, or rather, its adaptation to a specific phone. It's no secret that iPhone differs from Android in that it runs its own iOS, and it is developed exclusively for iPhones and iPads, taking everything into account technical features data devices and is honed as finely as possible for specific devices.

Google, the company that created Android, supplies it to a huge number of devices. Their total number exceeds tens of times the number of Apple smartphones. That is why conduct fine tuning Android for every phone is impossible. For this reason, it turns out that Android phones may be unstable, but iOS and iPhones do not have this problem.

Important! The stability of the iPhone is an order of magnitude better than android, but you need to understand that expensive devices on the Google system have excellent optimization and most often are not inferior to Apple. Therefore, failures in the operation of the OS can be observed on inexpensive and mid-priced phones with a system from Google.

Technical features of devices and software compatibility

Google's app store is open, that is, any developer can add his own program to it. Obviously, not all companies are large, and while serious developers check their software for compatibility with most of the most popular and widespread processors, small companies do this for a couple of major chipsets. Eventually many applications turn out to be inoperable or unstable.

An open store is a serious disadvantage, because on the one hand it is full of useless non-working software, and there is also no chance that some hacker, under the guise of a program, did not place a terrible virus there. On the other hand, an open store means a larger selection of programs and, importantly, free ones.

Difference between app stores Apple and Google are great.

  1. The apple brand has an order of magnitude less software, and most often it is paid.
  2. It is impossible to install pirated software on iOS (so as not to pay for it), but Google can do this. All software from the iPhone store is working, and it is impossible to catch a virus there.

Again, returning to the topic of hardware, it turns out that the software developer knows exactly the Apple phones on which his software will be installed, and today this is from the iPhone 4 to the iPhone XS Max, that is, all models can be counted. In other words, adapting applications for Apple devices is much easier than for those running Android. Another difference related to hardware is due to the excellent adaptation of iOS iPhone specs often look simpler than Android models, but there is most often no difference in performance and multitasking.

This is interesting! Apple devices do not become obsolete, that is, there is no such thing that an old iPhone at some point will run on an unsupported operating system where new applications cannot be installed. The manufacturer constantly updates its entire line of phones, and in most cases the device stops working only due to a breakdown, and not because it is outdated. U Google phones on older versions, for example, 2nd or 4th Android, they are already considered old. Installing new software on them is a difficult task, and even such popular apps, like Viber, WhatsApp work only if they are not updated, and even then it’s very crooked.

Even if you compare the speed of operation on the oldest iPhone and Android of the same year, the difference will be colossal. You can argue for a long time, but the overall result is the same - they don’t throw their own people at Apple, however, this only applies to the system.

Communication capabilities

The next parameter that will help you find out who is better and more convenient is communication with the world. The equipment on both systems has support for LTE and Wi-Fi. There are no problems here. But the way Bluetooth works on iOS is that it is intended only for synchronization with headsets, and the iPhone can also work as a modem via Bluetooth. It is impossible to transfer files or a contact book to iOS via Bluetooth, and in this case the advantage is on the Android side, there are no problems with this.

Transfer files from PC on Android it doesn’t cause any serious difficulties either. It is enough to connect your smartphone with a wire to your laptop, and the first one will be displayed as removable media, that is, music, photos and videos can be copied by direct transfer. For Apple, this task is not so trivial. Must be installed on PC special file manager– iTunes. Through it, you can transfer any files, as well as update programs, synchronize your device and create backup copies. On the one hand, this is convenient, but simply going to someone’s house and sending some content to your iPhone won’t work. This is another minus.

Memory expandability

Next point - Apple does not allow its users to expand their device memory. That is, they are limited by the number of gigabytes that were on the device at the time of purchase, and if new memory devices offer a large amount of memory, then in older iPhones it could be limited to 16 gigabytes, which is quite a bit. The vast majority of Android devices can install a memory card, and moreover, use it as the main storage device, that is, applications, photos and other files remain on the memory card. This is also convenient because, if necessary, the user puts a large card and continues to enjoy life, but on iOS you will need to think about cloud storage or buying a new device, and this is very expensive. Apple devices are much more expensive smartphones from other, even very popular manufacturers. This is, of course, a minus.

The last plus of removable memory is that the device broke down and the files remained on the card. At Apple, the device broke down, the files disappeared into oblivion if they were not first synchronized with cloud storage.

Important! Another point that can be attributed to the advantages of Android related to memory is OTG support, that is, the phone can work with regular USB memory through a special cable. This is not possible with Apple.


Setting ringtone music will not cause problems for Android owners. In Apple, this problem is also solved, but by performing some manipulations. You need to go to iTunes, select a melody, buy it, and only after that it will please the owner of the device as a ringtone. You won’t be able to simply download the music you like from the Internet and install it on your phone. The same goes for listening to music. It is either purchased at a special store or installed from a computer through the iTunes program installed on it.

Another nice bonus for Android owners is the ability to make the phone as individual and personalized as possible. For this All kinds of themes, wallpapers, launchers, ringtones and many other things are available. Apple also has such capabilities, but there are much fewer of them, and the degree of personalization is significantly lower. In other words, Apple will always remain Apple, no matter how you disguise it, but Android can be turned into something completely unrecognizable, but for you.

Let's sum it up

For ease of understanding, the advantages of the iPhone, as well as its disadvantages, are summarized in a single table.

So, it’s impossible to say that the iPhone is better than other smartphones. It has its pros and cons. We can conclude that Apple technology is good in terms of smooth operation and stability, but the degree of convenience is still higher with Android. Still, in terms of interface simplicity, Google’s brainchild is still winning. On the other hand, difficulties when working with iOS arise only for new users of the system; it is enough to master the system once, and it may seem even more convenient. There are many people who switched from one system to another and after that said that in general it is convenient to work both there and there, you just need to get used to it. The buyer needs to decide what is more important to him - a lot of features and periodic freezing/braking, or a less understandable and convenient system, which will always work like a clock and will not cause irritation when a window with an error appears again and the need to restart the device.

Smartphones have largely replaced simple dialers due to their reasonable cost. Today, a potential buyer has three main options for purchasing a smartphone based on the type of operating system: Android, iOS and WindowsPhone.

It is worth noting that phones from Microsoft are not nearly as popular as personal computers, so there is no significant competition between the first two mobile platforms. The global mobile industry market has been tightly captured by two main competitors - Android and iOS, so disputes constantly arise between users of these two types of devices - which is better Android or iPhone.

The problem is worth considering for two categories of users of devices running these operating systems: developers and ordinary ordinary users.


iPhone 5s and Samsung Galaxy S5 - flagship smartphones on Android and iOS


Smartphones in the operating room Android system are developed by many companies (the most common are Samsung, HTC, LG, Huawei, etc.), so the average user has access to a huge list of devices that differ in appearance. Of course, each company adheres to its own typical design style, but compared to the iPhone, this diversity is significant. Owners of smartphones from Cupertino can say with confidence that the design of their devices was worked out in great detail, therefore it is unique and universal in any situation. In this regard, we set parity.


After appearance the user looks at the cost of the device. This is where the contradictions begin. Someone says that not everyone can buy an iPhone. Of course, it is quite expensive. The top model 5S can cost almost $1,000 in our market. However, the statement about the cost is only true when comparing an iPhone with simple phones on Android, which most users purchase. In general, most Android devices are in the middle price range, but if we talk about flagship devices, their cost is at a comparative level.


Here, perhaps, the iPhone comes out as the winner, since it works perfectly, without various slowdowns that are so typical for devices on the Android operating system. Of course, new versions of Google's OS have become much better than previous ones, but they are still far from the smoothness of iOS, especially on budget devices. On the other hand, Android is more convenient for daily use by people who do not like and do not use iTunes. In order to watch a movie on your Android phone, you don't need to convert it or install additional software on your PC - you just need to copy it to the device. This won't work with an iPhone.

As you can see, in some moments Android wins, and in others iPhone, so the answer to the question of which is better Android or iPhone depends on the personal preferences of the user.
