Download flash tools in Russian. How to flash a phone or smartphone using the SP Flash Tool program

Program interface

The USB flash drive interface is intuitive even for a novice user. Let's look at the main functions of the utility:

  1. Download– the main section of the program, responsible for partial or complete firmware of the smartphone. When flashing a smartphone completely, the entire operating system of the device changes, and with partial flashing, you can flash the sections of interest.
  2. ReadBack or backup– a function that helps return the device to the initial state, if something went wrong. Actively used when creating backups.
  3. Format– full formatting of the device.
  4. Memory Test– a tab that helps you perform recovery. This function will be discussed in more detail in the “creating a backup” section.
  5. Welcomeofficial instructions for those who are launching the utility for the first time. Supporting literature written by software developers.

Installing the application

Recommended download the program from the official website of the developer, since this site guarantees the latest and working version of the software, which will be compatible with the maximum number of smartphones running on MTK. Flash Tools is not demanding on the technical parameters of the PC, so installing it will require 50 megabytes free space on your hard drive and Windows or Linux OS.

Before starting the operation it is necessary prepare all files to the procedure:

What you need to know before starting the firmware

Before you begin, it is worth following a series of mandatory requirements:

  • Be sure to create a backup of your data.
  • Charge the gadget to at least 60%. Otherwise, the process may end incorrectly.
  • Take several screenshots of your device's desktop so you don't have to remember the locations of all the elements.
  • Clear system cache.

Creating a backup

Backup is an important function that allows you to get a working operating system in case of any errors when working with file system. To create a backup in Flash Tool you will need.

  1. Program SP Flash Tool.
  2. Smartphone, running on the meringue MTK processor.
  3. scatter file, which can be obtained from the stock firmware.

Instructions for creating a backup copy

  1. Launch Flash Tool and download the scatter file in the “Download” tab. If you do not have this file, then you can use scatter from a device with a similar processor.

Note! In order to find out the processor version of your own smartphone, you can download a special application for Android OS - AIDA 64, which is freely available.

Helpful information! The utility will help you turn memory blocks into familiar information wwr mtk .

Recovery in case of failure

If for any reason the sewing fails, you can restore the backup:

How to flash Android using FlashTool

Flashing your phone's firmware is a fairly simple procedure. For the convenience of users, we will divide the process into several parts:


  • Download and install MTK driver for your model.
  • Download and install SP Flash Tool on PC.
  • Charge your smartphone to 60% or higher.


Driver installation:

To install drivers you need to find it in the task manager unidentified device. By right-clicking on an unidentified device, you need to find the “update driver” column. For the folder for the drivers, you need to specify the path where they are located (quickly ignore all warnings). If the drivers are not installed, then repeat the last three steps described above.


You can also watch a video with the complete firmware procedure:

Possible consequences

Positive sides:

  • The new version fixes minor glitches, increases optimization, and improves work with new programs. Getting the latest firmware will slightly increase the performance of your smartphone.
  • Possibility to delete installed software that takes up space in the system.
  • Receipt additional functions, which were hidden by the developers. For example, reassigning hotkeys.
  • Increased security with more secure user versions.
  • Expanding variability in visual settings.

Negative sides:

  • Stitched gadgets automatically removed from warranty service.
  • Not all custom firmware, which are freely available work properly, so there is a possibility of receiving a buggy OS.
  • Poor optimization of the user ROMa can lead to rapid discharge of the phone.
  • Firmware mismatch problems with the phone's hardware can lead to hardware problems as a result of which some services will begin to work more slowly.
  • The worst thing is that the phone turns into a “brick” - an undesirable phenomenon when the phone completely or partially loses its functionality. This can happen if the procedure is performed incorrectly.

Features of the firmware of some phones

New versions of Flash Tool allow flashing even little-known smartphone companies running on the MTK processor. To successfully start the procedure, you need to download the correct driver for the model. To find out which processor is used on your gadget use the program AIDA 64. Certain difficulties arise only with Sony brand smartphones.

Sony Xperia firmware instructions

Phones Sony Xperia have some peculiarity, so use standard procedure will not work. You must adhere to the following sequence of actions:

Problems with flashing Chinese phones

It’s not news to anyone that hardware components sometimes change in different batches of cheap Chinese phones. The fact is that if they are changed, some phones may not work correctly with firmware that turned out to be workable on similar devices from previous batches. The chance of getting a “brick” is extremely low, but you can get partially disabled phone is quite possible (not working camera, inability to make calls, etc.) In order to avoid such problems highly recommended make a full backup of your phone.

Drivers are not installed

If there should be no problems with the firmware process, then difficulties with installing drivers are a common problem. Let's look at this procedure in more detail, starting from the moment you installed and unzipped the drivers to drive “C”:


There is a possibility that the problem with installing drivers may be due to the digital signature of Windows 10. In order to disable the options during installation, you must:

System errors (numbers and their solutions)


  • IN BIOS com ports are in the off state.
  • Problematic USB cable (fixed by changing the cable for the firmware).
  • Problem USB port PC (fixed by changing the port).


  • The size of some system part of the firmware exceeded the size of the memory allocated for it.
  • The error may occur on older Flash versions Tool. You need to install a later version of the program. The problem is also relevant for error S_UNSUPPORTED_VER_OF_DA (1022).


  • The Scatter file does not match a specific phone model.


  • The problem is in the connection between the FlashTool utility and BootROM.
  • The device turned off due to low battery.


  • Occurs when a user tries to write a bootloader to the internal SRAM of the processor.


  • Connection problem. It is recommended to check that the cable is working properly or try connecting to a different port.


  • The path bar contains Russian folder names.


  • The error appears when using the automatic editing function. Set the formatting address manually.


  • You may be using a faulty flash drive.


  • The problem may occur if the USB cable is faulty.
  • If an error occurs, try moving the SP Flash Tool to the root of drive C


  • To fix the problem, change the firmware version to an earlier version.
  • Change the cable used for firmware.
  • The error may occur due to a low battery charge.


  • When setting up SP_Flash_Tool, select the download agent that is included with this version of the firmware. In other cases, this error will be generated.


  • Try choosing a different method for flashing the device.


  • The problem can be solved by reinstalling the drivers.


  • Mismatch between firmware versions and phone platform.

FlashTool is a powerful tool designed for flashing smartphones running on the MediaTek chipset. Using this application, you can either install a newer version of the operating system on your device or completely replace it with a custom one (modified by third-party developers).

However, this whole process is accompanied by a certain risk, and one wrong action can lead to your smartphone turning into a useless “brick”. To prevent this from happening, please read this article carefully. From it you will learn how to flash via FlashTool correctly and not risk your phone needlessly.

Determining the processor model

As mentioned earlier, FlashTool only works with MediaTek-based devices. In view of this feature, it is important to make sure that your smartphone is equipped with a processor from this manufacturer, otherwise the firmware program may not interact with it correctly. This, in turn, is fraught with serious consequences.

To determine the processor model, you will need a special application - CPU-Z. It can be downloaded for free from Play Market, so this process should not cause you any difficulties. After you download and install the program, do the following:

  1. Launch CPU-Z on your smartphone.
  2. Wait a few minutes while the program collects information about the device.
  3. Go to the SOC tab and pay attention to the very top line. This is where your processor model will be displayed.

If the line mentioned above says MediaTek, then your smartphone is suitable for working with the program. But still, before flashing via FlashTool, you need to perform a few more important steps. They will be discussed below.


It is important to know that flashing your smartphone's firmware will cause it to return to its factory settings. In other words, all information stored on the device will be deleted and cannot be restored. To prevent this from becoming a problem for you, do the following:

  • Save all contacts from phone book. They can be transferred to your computer using special programs or synchronize with your Google account.
  • Copy all important photos, documents and videos to your computer.
  • Check if there is any content left in the SMS important information(passwords from payment systems, bank codes, etc.). If there is one, then it is better to rewrite it.
  • Check the calendar for significant dates.
  • If you still have installation files of some rare programs, you can copy them to your computer before flashing them through FlashTool.

Don't neglect these simple tips, because they will help you save time and nerves. It is better to go through all the points several times, and only after that proceed with the firmware.

Setting up the operating system

Before flashing Android via FlashTool, you need to set some operating system settings. The fact is that Windows does not perceive smartphone drivers very adequately, so it is necessary to cancel the check digital signatures. This is done like this:

  1. Run command line(Administrator).
  2. Write the command gpedit.msc for a 32-bit OS or C:\Windows\SysWOW64\gpedit.msc for a 64-bit OS. Press Enter.
  3. The “Group Policy Editor” will open in front of you. Here you need to select “User Configuration”, then “Administrative Templates”, and then “System”.
  4. Now click “Install Driver”, and then select “Digital Signature”.
  5. In the window that opens, select “Disable”.
  6. Click "Ok" and confirm the changes made.

Now the operating system will not “swear” at the smartphone driver, and the firmware program will be able to work normally.

Installing smartphone drivers

At this stage, you need to download and install a driver for your device that will allow it to interact normally with your computer. You should look for it in the following places:

  • First of all, you need to look for the driver on the website of the manufacturer of your device. This way you can be sure that you won't get a computer virus.
  • Sometimes the driver can be found on the disk that comes with some phone models. If so, then you need to insert the CD into your computer drive and follow the prompts.
  • If the above two methods do not suit you, you can search for the driver on thematic forums. Keep in mind that this way you risk the security of not only your phone, but also your computer. Therefore, be sure to check all downloaded files for viruses before installing them.

Once you find the driver, you should download and install it. It's done double click according to the archive and should not cause any difficulties. But sometimes problems still arise, so such cases should be given special attention.

Problems installing drivers

It often happens that the driver does not want to be installed in any way. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this, and the problem can be solved quite simply. Namely:

  1. Disconnect the data cable from your computer and phone.
  2. Turn off your smartphone and remove the battery. You do not need to remove the memory card and SIM card.
  3. Open Device Manager on your PC.
  4. Place the driver files in any location convenient for you.
  5. Without inserting the battery, connect your phone to your computer and get ready.
  6. Just for a few seconds, a new device will appear in the manager. You need to have time to right-click on it and select the “Update driver” line.
  7. Now just specify the path to the driver files and wait for the installation process to complete.

If you did not manage to update the phone driver in time and the device disappeared from the manager, you need to repeat the entire procedure again, starting from step 5.

Firmware search

Now it's time to find and download the firmware that you will install on your smartphone. Here you have two options: use official software or custom one. In the first case, just go to the website of the phone manufacturer and find Last update for your model. But if you decide to use custom firmware, then you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Make sure that the selected firmware is suitable for your smartphone model. Non-compliance this condition is fraught with serious problems, including turning the phone into a “dead” piece of plastic.
  • Download files only from reputable sites and forums. In this case, even if some problem arises, you can count on the help of the developers software.
  • Carefully study the firmware reviews left by other users. It’s better not to take risks if there are many negative ones among them.
  • Make sure that the smartphone firmware installed on you is older than the one you are going to download.

Remember, by following these simple rules, you will protect your phone from unnecessary damage.

Creating a Backup

Most users do not experience any problems during the flashing process and the entire process goes smoothly. But it’s still better to prepare in advance for unforeseen situations, because no one is immune from them. To do this, you need to create a backup copy of your smartphone's system files before flashing it via FlashTool. For this:

  1. Connect your phone to your computer.
  2. Select the reading speed.
  3. Specify the NOR read type.
  4. Go to the Read back tab and click Add. Create a file backup copy, giving it any name. After that, click Save.
  5. A window will appear in front of you in which you should specify the size of the data to be read in the Length field. First, try entering the value 0x01000000, and if that doesn’t work, then 0x02000000.
  6. Unplug your phone from the cable and turn it off. Take out the battery, insert it back, and then reconnect the smartphone to the data cable (without turning it on).
  7. Press and immediately release the power button on your smartphone.

If you did everything correctly, the backup process will begin. Be sure to wait for it to finish.

Device firmware

If you have thought about everything and prepared, then you have no choice but to flash through FlashTool. The instructions for this procedure are actually not that complicated, and they look like this:

  1. Launch FalshTool and click Scatter-loading.
  2. Specify the path to the file MTxxxx_Android_scatter_emmc.txt (instead of “xxxx” there will be numbers corresponding to the processor model of your device). Click "Open".
  3. Be sure to check the DA DL All With Check Sum checkbox. Otherwise, you risk “killing” your smartphone.
  4. Click the Firmware-Upgrade button and connect the switched off phone.
  5. Multi-colored loading bars will appear at the bottom of the program's main menu.
  6. As soon as the firmware process is completed, a green circle will appear on the screen, indicating a successful operation.

Now you can disconnect your smartphone from the data cable and use it. Keep in mind that turning on your phone for the first time sometimes takes quite a long time, so don't worry if this happens to you.

By the way, if you don’t know, through FlashTool, then you can use the same instructions. It is equally valid for all Android devices.

Firmware for Chinese phones

How to flash a Chinese phone using FlashTool? This can also be done, but this procedure is somewhat different from the standard one; it will be discussed separately. Here it is important to know the following:

  • Never click the Memory Test button in FlashTool. For some reason Chinese phones do not respond adequately to this operation, and it may happen that the firmware is erased beyond recovery.
  • Carefully study the information about the firmware on the site from which you download it. It is possible that there are bugs in it that can cause you serious problems.
  • Do not try to install firmware from another device on your smartphone. So you risk ruining it, and it’s not a fact that you will be able to return the phone to working condition.

Also, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to contact your nearest service center. Chinese smartphones very specific, so let specialists deal with them.

Actions after flashing

After flashing your phone is completed, you need to perform a few more simple steps:

  • Don't forget to put current time and date.
  • Link your device to your Google account. This is especially useful if you have synced your phone book with it.
  • It will be better if you format the memory card. They can stay on it system files from the previous firmware, which do nothing useful, but only take up free space.

That's basically it. Now you can enjoy new firmware, which will undoubtedly make your smartphone work in a new way.

SP Flash Tool is a reliable program designed for flashing smartphones and tablets running the operating system Android systems, created on the basis of MTK processors. The utility supports work with all models of Chinese-made devices with MediaTek processors, from the oldest to the newly released new products.

One of the most important advantages of SP Flash Tool is its ease of use. The program does not need to be installed on your computer. Simply unpack the archive into the root directory local disk and run executable file. The utility allows you to reflash phones, test external memory (RAM) and flash memory for errors, and format flash memory various types: EMMC, SDMMC, NAND. The functionality of the program allows you to restore the functionality of devices that do not even turn on or immediately freeze upon startup. And support for loading in safe mode"Secure boot" is a fail-safe method for restoring phones infected with viruses. The utility also has the function of creating backup copies of the flash memory of devices, which must be done before flashing the phone's firmware. Another feature of SP Flash Tool is that the program comes with drivers for various smartphones and tablets, which are necessary for correctly recognizing the device with which it will work, which saves users from searching on their own.

On top of that, the SP Flash Tool utility is great for preventative flashing of devices, because updating the phone software will increase its performance and solve the problem with many failures. Today, on the Internet on specialized websites, developers post many different modifications of firmware for smartphones and tablets. Which one to choose for your device is up to you!

MTK hardware platform as a basis for construction modern smartphones, tablet computers and other devices has become very widespread. Along with the variety of devices, the ability to choose variations of the Android OS has come into the lives of users - the number of available official and custom firmware for popular MTK devices can reach several dozen! To manipulate memory partitions of Mediatek devices, the SP Flash Tool is most often used - a powerful and functional tool.

Despite the wide variety of MTK devices, the software installation process through the SP FlashTool application is generally the same and is carried out in several steps. Let's look at them in detail.

All actions to flash devices using SP FlashTool, including following the instructions below, are carried out by the user at his own peril and risk! The site administration and the author of the article are not responsible for possible malfunction of the device!

Preparing your device and PC

In order for the procedure of writing image files to device memory sections to go smoothly, it is necessary to prepare accordingly by carrying out certain manipulations both with the Android device and with a PC or laptop.

1. Download everything you need - firmware, drivers and the application itself. Unpack all archives into a separate folder, in ideal located at the root of the C drive.

2. It is advisable that the names of the folders for the location of application and firmware files do not contain Russian letters and spaces. The name can be anything, but folders should be named consciously so as not to get confused later, especially if the user likes to experiment with various types Software loaded into the device.

3. Install the driver. This point of preparation, or rather its correct implementation, largely determines the smooth flow of the entire process. How to install the driver for MTK solutions is described in detail in the article at the link below: Installing drivers for Android firmware

4. Make a system backup. Regardless of the outcome of the firmware procedure, the user in almost all cases will have to restore his own information, and if something goes wrong, the data that was not saved in the backup copy will be irretrievably lost. Therefore, it is highly advisable to follow the steps of one of the methods for creating a backup from the article:How to backup an Android device before flashing it

5. We ensure uninterrupted power supply for the PC. Ideally, the computer that will be used for manipulation via SP FlashTool should be fully operational and equipped with an uninterruptible power supply.

Installing firmware

Using the SP FlashTool application, you can perform almost all possible operations with device memory sections. Installing firmware is the main function and to perform it, the program provides several operating modes.

Method 1: Download Only

Let's take a closer look at the procedure for loading software into an Android device when using one of the most common and frequently used firmware modes via SP FlashTool - “ Download Only».

1. Launch SP FlashTool. The program does not require installation, so to launch it, simply double-click on the file flash_tool.exe, located in the application folder.

2. When you launch the program for the first time, a window with an error message appears. This point should not worry the user. Once the path to the location of the necessary files is specified to the program, the error will no longer appear. Press the button " OK».

3. In the main window of the program after launch, the operating mode is initially selected - “ Download Only" It should be noted right away that this decision used in most situations and is basic for almost all stitching procedures. The differences in operation when using the other two modes will be described below. In general, we leave " Download Only" without changes.

4. We proceed to adding image files to the program for further recording into sections of the device’s memory. To automate the process somewhat, SP FlashTool uses a special file called Scatter. This file is essentially a list of all partitions of the device’s flash memory, as well as the addresses of the starting and ending memory blocks of the Android device for writing partitions. To add a scatter file to the application, click the " choose", located to the right of the "" field.

5. After clicking on the button for selecting a scatter file, an Explorer window opens in which you need to specify the path to the required data. The scatter file is located in the folder with the unpacked firmware and is named MT xxxx _Android_scatter_ yyyyy.txt, where xxxx– the model number of the device processor for which the data loaded into the device is intended, and – yyyyy, the type of memory used in the device. Select the scatter and press the button Open».

Attention! Loading an incorrect scatter file into the SP Flash Tool and further recording images using incorrect addressing of memory sections can damage the device!

6. It is important to note that the SP FlashTool application provides a check of hash sums, designed to protect the Android device from writing incorrect or damaged files. When adding a scatter file to the program, the image files are checked, the list of which is contained in the downloaded scatter. This procedure can be canceled during the verification process or disabled in the settings, but this is strictly not recommended!

7. After loading the scatter file, in automatic mode Firmware components have also been added. This is evidenced by the filled fields " Name», « Begin Address», « End Address», « Location" The lines under the headings contain, respectively, the name of each partition, the starting and ending addresses of the memory blocks for recording data, as well as the path where the image files are located on the PC disk.

8. To the left of the names of the memory sections there are checkboxes that allow you to exclude or add certain image files that will be written to the device.

In general, it is strongly recommended to uncheck the box next to the section “ PRELOADER", this allows you to avoid many problems, especially when using custom firmware or files obtained from dubious resources, as well as the absence of a full system backup created using MTK Droid Tools.

9. Check the program settings. Click menu " Options" and in the window that opens, go to the section " Download" Check the boxes “ USB Checksum" And " Storage Checksum" - this will allow you to check checksums files before writing to the device, which means avoiding flashing corrupted images.

10. After completing the above steps, we proceed directly to the procedure for writing image files to the appropriate sections of the device’s memory. We check that the device is disconnected from the computer, turn off the Android device completely, remove and reinsert the battery if it is removable. To put SP FlashTool into standby mode for connecting the device for firmware, press the button “ Download", indicated by a green arrow pointing down.

11. While waiting for the device to connect, the program does not allow you to perform any actions. Only the button is available Stop", allowing you to interrupt the procedure. We connect the switched off device to the USB port.

12. After connecting the device to the PC and identifying it in the system, the process of flashing the device will begin, accompanied by the filling of the progress bar located at the bottom of the window.

During the procedure, the indicator changes its color depending on the actions performed by the program. To fully understand the processes occurring during firmware, let’s look at the decoding of the indicator colors:

13. After the program has completed all the manipulations, the window “ Download OK", confirming the successful completion of the process. Disconnect the device from the PC and start it by long pressing the “ Nutrition" Usually the first Android launch after the firmware it takes quite a long time, you should be patient.

Method 2: Firmware Upgrade

The procedure for working with MTK devices under Android control in " Firmware Upgrade"generally similar to the method described above" Download Only” and requires similar actions from the user.

The difference between the modes is the impossibility of selecting individual images for recording in the “ Firmware Upgrade" In other words, in this option, the device’s memory will be overwritten in full accordance with the list of partitions contained in the scatter file.

In most cases this mode is used for updating official firmware overall working apparatus, if the user requires a new version Software, and other update methods do not work or are not applicable. It can also be used when restoring devices after a system crash and in some other cases.

Attention! Using the " Firmware Upgrade" involves a complete formatting of the device's memory, therefore, all user data will be destroyed in the process!

The firmware process in the " Firmware Upgrade" after pressing the button " Download» in SP FlashTool and connecting the device to the PC consists of the following steps:

  • Creating a backup copy of the NVRAM partition;
  • Complete formatting of the device memory;
  • Write device memory partition table (PMT);
  • Restoring an NVRAM partition from a backup;
  • Recording all partitions whose image files are contained in the firmware.

User actions for flashing firmware in “ Firmware Upgrade", repeat the previous method, with the exception of certain points.

1. Select the scatter file (1), select the operating mode of SP FlashTool in the drop-down list (2), press the button “ Download"(3), then connect the turned off device to the USB port.

2. Upon completion of the procedure, the window “ Download OK».

Method 3: Format All + Download

Mode " Format All+Download"in SP FlashTool is intended for performing firmware when restoring devices, and is also used in situations where the other methods described above are not applicable or do not work.

Situations in which " Format All+Download", are diverse. As an example, we can consider a case where modified software was installed in the device and/or the device’s memory was re-partitioned to a solution different from the factory one, and then it was necessary to switch to the original software from the manufacturer. In this case, attempts to write original files will fail and the SP FlashTool program will suggest using emergency mode in the corresponding message window.

There are only three stages of performing firmware in this mode:

  • Complete formatting of the device memory;
  • PMT partition table entry;
  • Record all sections of the device memory.
Attention! When manipulating in the " Format All+Download"The NVRAM partition is erased, which leads to the deletion of network parameters, in particular, IMEI. This will make it impossible to make calls and connect to Wi-Fi networks after following the instructions below! Restoring an NVRAM partition in the absence of a backup is quite a labor-intensive procedure, although it is possible in most cases!

Steps required to format and record partitions in " Format All+Download" are similar to those in the methods described above for the modes " Download" And " Firmware Upgrade».

1. Select the scatter file, determine the mode, press the “ Download».

2. Connect the device to the USB port of the PC and wait for the process to complete.

Installing custom recovery via SP Flash Tool

Today, the so-called custom firmware, i.e. solutions created not by the manufacturer of a particular device, but by third-party developers or ordinary users. Without delving into the advantages and disadvantages of this method of changing and expanding the functionality of an Android device, it is worth noting that installing custom ones in most cases requires the presence of a modified recovery environment in the device - or CWM Recovery. This system component can be installed in almost all MTK devices using SP FlashTool.

1. Launch Flash Tool, add a scatter file, select “ Download Only».

2. Using the checkbox at the very top of the list of sections, uncheck all image files. Check the box next to the section " RECOVERY».

3. Next, you need to specify the program the path to the image file custom recovery. To do this, double-click on the path specified in the “ Location", and in the Explorer window that opens we find required file *.img. Press the button " Open».

4. The result of the above manipulations should be something similar to the screenshot below. Only the section " RECOVERY" in field " Location"The path and the recovery image file itself are indicated. Press the button " Download».

5. Connect the switched off device to the PC and watch the process of flashing the recovery firmware into the device. Everything happens very quickly.

6. At the end of the process, we again see the window already familiar from previous manipulations “ Download OK" You can reboot into a modified recovery environment.

It is worth noting that the considered method of installing recovery via SP FlashTool does not pretend to be an absolutely universal solution. In some cases, when loading a recovery environment image into the device, additional actions may be required, in particular, editing the scatter file and other manipulations.

As you can see, the process of flashing MTK devices on Android using the SP Flash Tool application is not a complicated procedure, but it requires proper preparation and balanced actions. We do everything calmly and think about every step - success is guaranteed!

How to use the SP Flash Tool? SP Flash Tool is a smart and convenient tool designed for flashing devices based on MediaTek chipsets. If you decide to flash an Android smartphone or tablet with such a processor “under the hood,” then you need to first of all take care of the possibility of making a backup ROM of the device if something goes wrong. In addition to the usual reason (precautionary measures), there is another reason here: not every firmware you choose may be suitable specifically for your device. Therefore, it is worth making sure that the requirements for display characteristics, memory capacity and other parameters regulated by the new firmware are fully met. Otherwise, the software, and along with it the device, may be partially or completely inoperative. Practice shows that if the parameters match, flashing an Android smartphone using the SP Flash Tool goes smoothly, but we decided to still provide instructions for creating a backup copy.

Creating a full backup of your smartphone's Flash memory

To create a backup copy of the Flash memory of an Android smartphone, you must have the utility installed SP Flash Tool And Driver for Preloader.

1 . Launch the flash drive, then in the " Download"upload the scatter file (if necessary, you can borrow it from an Android device with a similar processor). Don't be alarmed if you don't see any firmware files in the folder with the scatter file - this is normal. Leave the checkbox only on the first line ( PRELOADER), remove the rest.

2 . Determine how much information needs to be read and from where. After that, go to the " Memory Test". Here, too, there is only one check mark left for " RAM Test", the rest must be removed.

2.2 . Connect the turned off Android device to the PC via a USB port;

2.3 . The memory test that will occur after connection will show the information you need on EMMC blocks (don’t pay attention to blocks with zero volume, only those with a size will be needed;

3 . Copy the information received into notepad, then go to the " ReadBack" and press " Add".

3.1 . Double-click on the line that appears;

3.2 . Specify the file name (ROM_0 by default), and also indicate the location where the memory block will be saved;

3.3 . Based on the data obtained earlier, fill in three parameters in the window that appears.

You have the names of your regions, the size is known, and the starting address in each of them will be 0x0.


Region: EMMC_USER Start Address: 0x0 Length: 0x3ab400000

After filling in the parameters, just press the button " OK".

note: On the device taken as an example, there are 4 regions, but this does not mean that there are as many of them on other gadgets. Flash memory can have 3, 2, or even one region ("USER"). In the latter case, you will not have to select a region - this option will not be available in the menu intended for entering block reading parameters. As a rule, this situation happens when working with Android devices based on early years of chipsets..

3.4 . Click " ReadBack", reconnect to the USB port of the turned off gadget - reading will begin;

3.5 . After reading the block is completed, repeat the manipulations described in step 3 with all other regions.

This way you will get a complete copy of the flash memory of your Android device.

If you decide to use the SP Flash utility, the easiest way is to use it for flashing ( modified recovery specifically for your device) and download to your home computer the corresponding MTK processor of the gadget USB driver. All old drivers related to Android devices will need to be removed first. You will also need to download the option Smart Phone Flash Tool for Windows or Linux. And do not forget that the SP Flash Tool utility for MTK devices can be compatible with a 32 or 64-bit version of the PC OS - it is important to choose the correct one that matches the system installed on your home computer.

Hardware will be needed:

  • 1. Home Windows computer/Linux;
  • 2. A working USB cable for connecting to an Android device;
  • 3. Android smartphone or tablet computer.

SP Flash Tool can flash devices based on MT6575, MT6577, MT6577T, MT6595, MT6592, MT6582, MT6572, MT6589, MT6589T chipsets.

Driver installation

Let's assume that you already have a driver archive on your PC - for example MTK_drivers.rar. The first step is to turn off your smartphone or tablet and start " device Manager" from the control panel. Connect your Android device to your computer using a USB cable and wait until " Dispatcher" will update and detect an unknown device. Next you need to act very quickly: before the smartphone goes into charging mode, right-click on the unidentified device and in the window that opens, select " Update driver".

Driver installation is done manually. In the next window, select " Install the driver from the specified location", then specify the path to the driver archive (it must first be unpacked) and install the one you need. Now you can disconnect the Android device from the PC, but it’s too early to turn it on. But you can go directly to the firmware process itself.

Instructions for flashing smartphones based on MTK

Here we provide the complete step by step instructions, following which you can independently flash the firmware of an Android smartphone or tablet based on MediaTek processors.

  • 1 .Download the SP Flash Tool program and unpack the archive onto your computer;
  • 2 .If you have a device with an MT6575 or MT6577 processor based on the AGOLD project, download the SP_MDT program to your computer with the ability to select components in uboot and unpack it;
  • 3 .Download and install USB VCOM drivers;
  • 4 .Extract the archive with the factory firmware for your Android device (the directory name for the unpacked folder with the factory firmware files should not include Cyrillic characters);
  • 5 .Turn off your smartphone or tablet; the USB cable should not be connected to the computer;
  • 6 .Remove the battery and then insert it back;
  • 7 .If the drivers have not yet been installed, connect the device to the PC using a USB cable. operating system after that it will find a new device, and you must point it to the folder with USB driver VCOM for your OS version. Install the drivers and disconnect the cable from the PC.
  • 8 .Launch SP Flash Tool;

  • 9 .MTXXXX_Android_scatter_emmc.txt(in MTXXXX, replace the letters X with numbers corresponding to the processor of your device - the scatter file is different for each of them).

ATTENTION! For devices based on MT6575 and MT6577 processors, uncheck the Preloader and dsp_bl items; for all other devices with MediaTek chipsets, uncheck only the Preloader item;

  • 10 .Click the Download button;

  • 11 .Connect your turned off smartphone or tablet to your computer using a USB cable. As soon as the new device is detected, its firmware should begin. If this does not happen, disconnect the device from the PC, remove and reinsert its battery and connect it to the computer again. During the firmware process, provided it is correct installed drivers should be visible in device manager mtk usb port (MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM Port). If an error occurs, the gadget will no longer be displayed. Once the firmware is completed, it also disappears from the device manager.

Is the firmware completed successfully? All that remains is to disconnect the Android device from the computer and turn it on.

Download Sp Flash Tool you can use the link below for free
