Yandex - setting up the main page, registration and login, as well as the history of the company's formation. How to remove a virus from browsers About blank Yandex home page login

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about the most successful Internet company on the RuNet.

If you think about it, more than half of the users come to my blog from this, and the lion’s share of mine comes from income from displaying YAN advertising units (through Profit Partner).

For webmasters, probably, first of all, Yandex is a search engine that occupies a leading position in the RuNet (it recently even absorbed ). Moreover, modern realities are such that it would be extremely unwise to not take into account the features of this search engine when optimizing a site, since it is it that aggregates the lion’s share of commercial queries. If you don’t receive targeted visitors from it, it’s not a fact that you will be able to get them from . they simply may not be there.

Yandex main page, themes and settings

But at the same time, Yandex has long outgrown the short pants of a pure search engine and has become for many users the place from which they begin their journey on the Internet - a multiportal. Millions of users now use its image search, Mail, and dozens of other services. The main competitor Google also has all this, but nevertheless, the majority of the audience in our network segment votes for the domestic manufacturer.

Let's start looking at the portal from its main page. Many specialists worked on its creation and layout, and it was precisely on home page you will find almost everything you might need at first. Only later, having become a little more comfortable and having decided which services you will need in the first place, you will be able to completely rebuild it to suit your taste and needs.

We'll talk about registration, receiving a mailbox, and more below in the text. Now let us note that much of what most users may need can already be found on the main page. I have highlighted in orange the services that I personally use from time to time.

Also on the main page, when you scroll through it, you will find a list of Internet materials that may be of interest to you. Yandex knows your preferences and tries to show only the most interesting things to you in this feed. Judge for yourself how well he succeeds:

However, all people are different and their interests also differ. Therefore, at the very top of the main page you can always see a drop-down list called "Personal settings"(gear icon in the upper right area of ​​the screen). By clicking on it, you can choose one of four options:

Let's go to the first tab Set up Yandex. Here we will be given the opportunity to delete, configure, drag and drop existing widgets on the main page, and if desired, add new ones:

When saving the changes, deletions or rearrangements of blocks on the main page (the “Save” button), you need to understand that if you have not registered on, then it will only be linked to the browser from which you made these settings (remembered in cookies) . In another browser, you will see the default home page.

As you can see, not only the main page settings are concentrated here, but also global and fundamental things. Let's look at them in more detail (it is clear that it would be better to save them specifically for your account):

Registration and receipt of Yandex Passport

You have two options to work with this portal. You can register with Yandex and receive a free Mailbox with good spam cutting, or you can forget about registration and just work with the main page and other services that allow you to do this without authorization.

Probably, the first option (with registration) would be preferable, because in this way you can use the system’s potential to the maximum.

It is clear that this is not an exact statistic, because in addition to the Ru domain zone, there are other domain zones, and not everyone has a LiveInternet counter installed. However, this sample can still be considered representative and it follows from it that Yandex is quite confidently leading in the Russian-language segment of the Internet.

He bit off more than half of the bagel, which is quite a lot, considering the multimillion-dollar audience of the RuNet. It is clear that Yandex’s share in global search is small (from one to two percent) and Google already categorically reigns there. And in RuNet, if we consider the audience of users entering information queries (who do not need to buy something), the shares of Yandex and Google will be almost the same. I judge this by analyzing the statistics of my blog site:

But this, of course, is not a representative sample at all, but rather my own IMHO. By the way, if you analyze the positions of my site for various popular search queries (for example, you can look at its visibility in), you will notice that these two giants often have completely different assessments of the same web pages.

Over the next few years (until 1996), active work was carried out to improve search algorithms and take into account the morphology of the language. During this time several were released software products(Academic edition of the classics on CD ROM, Bible computer reference book), where all these developments were used, but, as you yourself understand, all this did not make it possible to realize the full potential of search algorithms and did not allow serious money to be made from it. There was practically no Internet in RuNet at that time.

By the way, it was during this period that the name for the developed search technology was invented, namely Yandex, which means “Language Index”. Although there are still many interpretations of the origin of the brand, this does not change the essence. The development team had a desire and conviction that selling the search technology itself would be much more profitable than selling products built on it.

In 1996, at the Netcom exhibition, the company, which at that time was a department of the Arcadia company, offered its first products for site search (Yandex.Site) and search by CD content (Ya.CD). Well, as well as a separate product that implements Ya.Lib search technology. In the same year, the company went online and, using the Ya.Dict product, made it possible to make queries in Russian to the AltaVista search engine, which was popular in the bourgeoisie at that time ( Google didn't exist yet).

But all this was not what would allow the company to really develop in all its glory. It lacked its own index of all RuNet sites. Well, the employees of the company (at that time a department of the Arcadia company) strained themselves and created search robot, which quite quickly bypassed all five thousand sites available in RuNet (at that time) and collected an index text file weighing only four gigabytes.

All. In 1997, at the Softool exhibition, it was announced new website project codenamed Yandex-Web), which was launched on September 23.

By the way, the first version of the design for it was drawn by Artemy Lebedev, now known to all of you:

At first, to work with the search engine, it was necessary to enter queries formulated in a special way (using logical operators), but after a few months they got rid of this and the search engine could be addressed as a simple interlocutor. In the same year, a forum was opened to communicate with visitors and solve their problems, which existed until 2008.

Yandex was already at that time successfully combating duplicate content in different or slightly different content, and identical documents were removed from the search results. In addition, they were used to allow links to the most relevant (meeting the user's request) documents to be placed at the top of the search results.

It turns out that the development of the Internet in RuNet coincided very well with the fact that the Yandex company had previously been working seriously and for quite a long time on the problems of searching in Russian using huge text arrays.

This probably played a decisive role in the further dizzying rise - after all, all he had to do was transfer his developments to the web and pay attention to the development of related services and thinking through ways to extract income from all this. The main thing was be at the right time and in the right place. Segalovich and Volazh succeeded, for which I congratulate them - well done.

But, as it were, the story does not end there, but, on the contrary, is just beginning. Next year, 1998, work is underway to improve the search engine, new ones appear functionality for users (search in what was found, find similar documents, etc.), and also undergoes a slight change in the design of the main page (getting these screenshots turned out to be quite simple, because there is such a service as, which performs the function of a time machine):

In 1999, the Internet began to gain popularity by leaps and bounds in the Russian-speaking segment of the network, and in connection with this, the number of documents indexed by Yandex significantly increased, which it succeeded by launching a new robot that scans Runet sites. Started in the same year new project, which lasted until 2012.

What’s interesting is that starting this year, Yandex seriously took up spam filtering, began to take into account the contents of Alt tags for images, and in addition to the text of the document itself, when ranking, it began to consider those leading to it from other sites on the network (the birth of full-fledged link ranking). Well, the design of its main page has changed significantly:

Development of a new search engine and related services

In 2000, a number of events occurred that predetermined the further success of If you look at the previous three screenshots of its homepage design, you'll notice the CompTek logo. This is quite logical, because the development team at that time was part of the programming department of this company. But in 2000, this department was separated back into a separate company, but which was no longer called “Arcadia”, but Yandex.

By the way, at this time they had not yet worked out a scheme for generating income and they were forced to attract an investor. The ru-Net Holdings corporation invested about five million dollars in the search engine, for which it received a third of the assets of the Yandex company. In general, it turned out to be a very profitable deal, because now the number one search engine in RuNet is already worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

In the same year, the famous one appeared, and was also introduced, with the help of which the ranking of sites in this directory was carried out (see the money we are already familiar with in the given screenshot).

Moreover, Tietz was assigned to all indexed resources (regardless of their location or not in the directory) and, unlike the thematic index, was assigned to the entire site, and not to its individual pages. It is measured in digital values ​​from 0 to infinity and is a linear value, and Page rank has only eleven gradations from 0 to 10 and is a logarithmic value.

In addition, in 2000, Yandex was already being formed as a multiportal, because it was at this time that services such as Mail, News, Bookmarks, Postcards appeared, well, and a bare search bar at the address Google home page looks the same - complete asceticism). A number of services have also appeared that will later become the Market. Well, even before the heap, in 2000, it first saw the light of day, which users could install as an add-on for their browser (now it has been renamed Elements).

The main achievement of the company in 2001 can be considered that it became the most visited site in the RuNet, the index base grew to the size of one terabyte, and an image search service appeared.

Well, it was published around the same time. Traditionally, the design of the main page has also changed:

In 2002, on the basis of three separate services, a now familiar and convenient tool for searching and selecting the right product was formed - . There was also a significant event in the history of the company - it completely switched to self-sufficiency due to the opening of the service.

The design of the main page has become even closer to the modern version:

2003 was the first year of self-sufficiency, and this search system, in addition to ordinary Html pages, learned to index documents in RTF, PDF, and DOC formats, and a year later it was the turn of Flash sites. A serious spam tool called “Self-Defense” appeared in Y.Mail, and Direct began working on the pay-per-click principle this year.

In 2004, the company's profit already amounted to about ten million dollars, search services appeared on the map, as well as on blogs and forums. Around the same year, on the RuNet search market a powerful competitor has appeared in Google, in connection with which Yandex expanded its staff approximately tenfold to adequately respond.

All interested users were involved in the development of the design of the main page, and as a result, this version of the main page existed right up to 2007 without changes:

In 2005, Yandex decided to think about expansion and a representative office of this company appeared in Nezalezhnaya. And at the end of the same year, a very remarkable event took place for many webmasters - it opened. Don't know what it is?

Now all website owners have the opportunity to post on the pages of their sites contextual advertising and receive fifty percent of the price of each click. For this I want to express special respect, well, even more respect to my tsop (partner service center) Profit Partner, because they actually feed me. Also this year, the Ya.Dictionaries service appeared.

In 2006, Yandex.Maps became able to display traffic jams and a tool for identifying public opinion appeared, where reviews were actually searched for on blogs and forums.

In 2007, a now quite popular analytics tool appeared, which was initially focused primarily on the needs of advertisers in Direct.

Well, the Ukrainian search engine opened, which now aggregates about a quarter of the search in Nezalezhnaya, and the first version also appeared. Plus we made a new design for the main page:

In 2008, the company opened an office in the states and at the same time support for international standards, MediaRSS, etc. was added to the engine algorithms. This allowed the company to successfully index burzhunet sites that had long supported these standards. Well, from that moment on the Yandex logo began to be written entirely in Russian:

And the design of the main page has undergone its latest reincarnation:

The main event of 2009 was the introduction of regional search (in the Snezhinsk algorithm), which gave Yandex a certain head start relative to Google, whose regional search was divided only by country, and not by city. In 2010, search engine users appeared and were given the opportunity to search only by burzhenet, both through and

Around the same time, Ukrainian regional search appeared, and self-learning began to be used to calculate the relevance formula Matrixnet algorithm and Spectrum technology comes into effect.

Matrixnet uses assessments of assessors (determining the quality of individual sites on the network) as reference points, and Range allows you to take into account in the search results all possible meanings included by the user in the query (for example, for the query “Napoleon” it is quite difficult to decide what the user wants to know about - about a cake or about an outstanding figure in history).

Well, in 2011, the leader of Runet search placed its shares on the NASDAQ exchange. I don’t understand the intricacies of this matter, but Yandex gained a huge amount from this (more than a billion in greenbacks), which is slightly less than the amount that Google received in a similar placement in 2004.

That's it, but the story of Yandex does not end there and, most likely, will continue for many years to come.

Now they already have quite a few offices in different cities of the world and if you believe the photographs, the atmosphere in the company is quite democratic:

Features of promotion under Yandex (differences from

Now let's return to the problems of webmasters and optimizers - how to promote your website under Yandex? It's not as simple as it might seem at first glance. In fact, for myself, I do not divide promotion for different search engines into separate components (), but there are nuances and differences and many people focus on them:

  1. As a rule, when promoting a competitive search query, you should have several pages on the site at once that would answer the this request. One of them will be pumped by you with external links, and the rest will create the appearance that your resource is focused on answering this user request.
  2. When promoting under Yandex (and under, but to a lesser extent), you should take into account that now such a thing as keyword density () no longer works. Search has an excellent understanding of the peculiarities of the Russian language and is able to make an assessment of the topic of an article according to the vector that it contains.

    Those. must be in the article, but in a very limited quantity, and all those words and phrases that, in the opinion of the search engine, should be present in such texts (vector) must also be present.

  3. Recently, Yandex has been advocating that article texts should not be over-optimized and threatens to punish people for this. It seems to me that re-optimization alone will not be enough to impose a veto - it is necessary that the behavior of users indicates that this text is spam.
  4. When ranking, it also takes into account the age of the site (not the domain) and its trustworthiness. Google also takes this into account, but to a slightly lesser extent.
  5. External links influence website promotion in Yandex to a slightly lesser extent than when promoting in Google.
  6. “Runet Mirror” loves a variety of both link sources and their anchors (texts).
  7. As I already said, in the domestic search engine the share of commercial queries is significantly higher than in the bourgeois analogue and competition for them will be much higher
  8. When ranking in search results, Google pays more attention to the page that is most relevant to the request (as if in isolation from the site), and Yandex also evaluates other pages of the same resource, as well as the entire resource as a whole.
  9. Well, both search engines now actively take into account when determining the relevance of pages, because they allow you to attract a huge number of users to assess the quality of the site (for free).

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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A fairly common and annoying about:blank virus haunts many PC users. Detecting that your computer is infected is quite simple - to do this, just log into your Internet browser and see that the start page you now have there is a “blank form”. The virus brings a lot of inconvenience with its presence.

Why is about:blank dangerous?

You might think that a virus can’t do anything supernatural - it just sits in the browser and stays there. It would seem that the start page is now simply an “empty form”, but in reality everything is somewhat different.

About:blank is also a so-called browser hijacker. It can cause great harm to your computer because it affects the security system. Thus, the Windows recovery system may fail to work. In addition, about:blank is also a Trojan. Is it worth mentioning what such viruses do to a computer and data? It’s easy to catch them, but it’s very, very difficult to rid yourself of the attacks and consequences.

The infection occurs in a trivial way - about:blank copies its files to HDD of the infected computer, after which it registers the autoload of this virus in the registry. You can distinguish it by the file called svhost.exe executed in startup. With all this, as already mentioned, when the browser starts, about:blank appears. Since the virus is registered in autorun, changing the address of the start page will not help. That's why it's important to know how to get rid of about:blank.

Removal methods

Where is the “blank form” written? It affects about:blank, Yandex, Google, Amigo and other browsers. You can remove it in several ways. How effective they will be depends only on how well you understand computers and programs.

First, let's look at the most common method - removal using specialized utilities. They will most likely be able to both remove about:blank and clean the system of other “pesky” programs.

Now we will look at several useful utilities that are quite easy to use.


This is the development of the American company EnigmaSoftware. It can solve the problem and get rid of the about:blank virus. How to remove a pest in automatic mode, you will find out if you use this utility. It works for everyone Windows systems. The kit includes anti-virus protection. In addition, SpyHunter4 protects files and settings from malicious codes, fixes various browser problems, removes malicious registry entries and all files created by about:blank. The program is easy to use. You just need to launch it, then press the “Scan” button and wait for the scanning to finish. After this, information about the malicious files found and the operations performed with them will be released.

Security Stronghold

This is a convenient utility, using which you will no longer nervously ask your friends: “about:blank has appeared, how can I remove it?” It should be used when you are not entirely sure whether to delete certain infected files. Conventional software is not able to detect all Trojans and other harmful files that infect your computer. Security Stronghold will solve this problem. Like SpyHunter4, the program searches for and removes all registry files and regular files created by about:blank, but gives you the choice of what to touch and what not. This is a fairly fast and lightweight utility. Similar to many programs, you just need to start scanning, and then choose which files to do with and what to do. After this, the computer will be cleared of annoying Trojans.

Manual removal

If your computer is attacked by about:blank, how can you remove it manually? This is a completely appropriate question for those who do not trust various programs. Of course, if you have already somehow caught a virus while downloading software, then it’s logical that you don’t want to step on the same rake again and ultimately ruin the life of your computer. How to get rid of about:blank yourself and manually without using software? This is quite simple to do, but there are several options. Now we will look at the most common, albeit longer method.

Method 1: Processes and Settings

This method of removing about:blank is quite convenient and simple, but requires vigilance. This is due to the fact that you will have to terminate many system processes. Any error can lead to data loss and ineffective “treatment”.

1. Terminate processes and close the files agent-ac.dll, svhost.exe, phafxfa.exe, xea2108l.9zt, message.

Note: You can find the dll files in the folder: C/Windows/system32.

2. Reset the browser settings in which about:blank appeared (Yandex, Google Chrome, Mozilla or any other). For different browsers different algorithm Do not try to reinstall them - this still will not get rid of the problem.

Internet Explorer

Go to the command search (in Windows XP the path is “Start” / “Open”, in Windows 7 and others - “Start” / “Search”) and find inetcpl.cpl. After that, select the “Advanced” tab, find the line “Reset browser settings” and double-click on it. Next, delete your personal history settings and wait for the process to complete.

Google Chrome

Go to: C:\Users\"username"\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\UserData (browser installation folder). Find the Default file there and rename it DefaultBackup. Launch Google Chrome - the settings will be reset.

Mozilla Firefox

In the Help section of the menu, select Troubleshooting information, and then Reset Firefox. Wait for the process to complete and click Finish.

Method 2: System Restore

Sometimes clearing the browser doesn't help. Then you need This can also help when about:blank occurs. Now we will see how to perform a system rollback.

1. Open the Start menu.

2. Find “Utilities” there.

3. Select System Restore. It is important that the computer creates restore points during operation, which will help to roll back the system to the moment when the PC was working properly. When choosing a date, you need to select the one that was before about:blank was infected. Click "Next" and follow the instructions.

4. Wait for it to finish. The computer will restart. After recovery, the virus should not appear.


Now you know what about:blank is. We also told you how to remove it. The main thing is to worry about some points in advance:

Create Windows restore points periodically;

Save all important files and data;

Check your computer for viruses from time to time;

Store data in the cloud with passwords;

Do not download suspicious software onto your computer.

Following the easy step by step instructions and using our advice, you can ensure a long and high-quality life for your computer, your files will remain safe and sound, and the new about:blank tab will no longer loom before your eyes.

If none of the described methods help (which happens in extremely advanced cases), you must resort to a last resort: reinstalling the system. You can do this yourself or take your computer to a specialist. Remember that the safety of your PC and the safety of files on your hard drive are only in your hands. Solve problems that arise in a timely manner so as not to see disastrous results.

In this article we will talk about a virus that changes the browser’s start (home) page to the one indicated above, opens “bad” sites when creating new tabs, and replaces the results of a search query.

Definition of “about blank”

In its original understanding, this term means a blank page in the browser.

But, sometimes this can be a manifestation of a virus, which, by the way, does not disdain all popular browsers, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, etc., usually appears through infected/modified installers free applications.

How to remove the "about blank" virus?

You can use one of the following methods:
  1. Restoring the system before the virus appeared in the system;
  2. Cleaning the virus manually (deleting the folder with executable files, cleaning the registry).
  3. Restoring browser configurations.
  4. System Restore

    This method works in a very similar way on both new Windows 10, and on 7 or 8. So, open the “Start” menu (to do this, click the “window” button on the keyboard or with the mouse in the lower left corner):

    1. We write the word “Recovery” in the search bar:

      And select the found menu by clicking the mouse button or the Enter key on the keyboard. The “System Restore” window will open, where you need to select a restore point that precedes the appearance of the virus in the system (I don’t have a virus, so I just point to an earlier date), and click “Next”:

      After performing the manipulations to return the system to the previous state, the computer will reboot and, after loading, there will be no virus (provided that all of the above is done correctly). If there is no result, then you can try choosing another, earlier restore point.

      Cleaning the virus manually

      By analogy with system recovery, this method is equally applicable on versions of Windows 7, 8 and 10. Let's start by cleaning the registry - press the Windows + R key combination on the keyboard (simultaneously), and in the window that opens, write the regedit command. The whole thing should look like this:

      Then press the OK button in the window or Enter on the keyboard. Next, the built-in Windows editor registry, in which you need to go to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindows. We need a key called "AppInit_DLLs".

      Open the key by double-clicking the mouse, select its value, copy it, save it to a text file on the desktop (in an empty space on the Desktop, right-click Create - Text Document) and paste the copied text there (we will need it later). After that, in the key itself, we completely delete the value using the Backspace key or by clicking on the selected text with the right mouse button - Delete.

      Click OK.

      Next, you need to restart your computer in Safe Mode. To do this, when you turn on the computer, you need to hold down the F8 key on the keyboard until you see the Windows boot logo:

      After downloading, you need to open the same notepad file that we created earlier, copy the path from it, and then open Explorer (My Computer, Computer or This Computer, depending on Windows versions). Then paste this path into the address bar:

      Note: in your case, the path and names of the files may differ! The screenshots are an example of a guide so that you can find and delete the necessary files.

    2. After following the copied path, you need to delete the contents of the folder (there may be 1 or several files):
      After this, you need to restart the computer again (in the most normal mode) - and the virus will be completely removed.

    Restoring browser configurations
    Since there can be at least several options for the browser used - everyone prefers their own - now we will talk about restoring settings in the main popular browsers in each separately.

    Google Chrome.

    Open the settings, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Show advanced settings”:

A browser hijacker called About blank does not disdain Firefox, Google Chrome, or Opera. All of them are good for his “dirty dealings”. Both together and separately. It enters the system through infected or deliberately modified installers of free applications. (Other modification options are not excluded!)

The malware changes the home (start) page in browsers. Instead of Yandex, Google and other popular trusted search engines, it contains a link to an advertising, potentially dangerous site. Thus, it reduces the level of PC security and disrupts the comfort of web surfing. Masks its name under the address of an empty tab - “about: blank”. (But, unlike a virus, this particular URL contains a colon character, and nothing is displayed on the page.)

To remove about blank from your computer once and for all, follow one of the instructions below (optional).

Method No. 1: treating Windows manually and using utilities

Cleaning the registry

1. Press the “Win” and “R” keys simultaneously.

2. In the Run panel, type - regedit. Click OK.

3. In the left panel of the editor, where “branches” are displayed, open the following directories in sequence:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SOFTWARE → Microsoft → Windows NT → CurrentVersion → Windows

4. In the right panel, in the list of entries, find the key named Applnit_DLLs (this is the tricks of the malware!). And then right-click on it.

5. In the context menu, select “Edit...”.

6. In the lower “Value data” field, copy the path to the virus files (elements). And save it to a text file in Notepad (preferably to your desktop so as not to lose it).

7. Click OK.

8. Right-click on the Applnit_DLLs entry again and select “Delete”.

9. In the editor menu, open: Edit → Find.

10. In the “Search” window, in the “Find” field, make a request - about blank.

12. Delete all malicious entries found by the scanner via context menu.

13. After cleaning, continue scanning (start - key “F3”).

14. Check all directories.

Removing the virus folder and files

1. Reboot the OS into safe mode. Hold “F5” or “F8” during restart (this function can be activated by another key; see the computer manufacturer’s instructions).

2. Open the text file with the location of the malware directory that you saved earlier. Copy the path (Ctrl+C).

3. Press "Win + E".

4. Clear the first field (remove the “Computer” entry) at the top of the window. And then paste the copied path into it (Ctrl+V). Press "Enter".

5. Drag the entire contents of the folder to the Trash. Then delete the folder itself (it may be called bitguard).

6. Restart your PC in standard mode.

Restoring browser settings

  1. Download the Browser cleanup utility from the Avast website.
  2. In each browser one by one (see the vertical menu of the utility), remove all suspicious add-ons and reset the settings (click the corresponding button in the interface).
  3. In the additional window, indicate your preferred search engine. It will open automatically when you start the browser.

If the virus is not removed...

Scan the system partition (drive C) with the AdwCleaner utility. Remove all potentially dangerous and suspicious objects found (registry keys, files and folders). Reboot your system and check your browsers again.

As a preventive measure, additionally, check all sections of one of the following treatment utilities:

  • Malwarebytes Anti-Malware;
  • Dr.Web CureIt!;
  • Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

Method number 2: restoring the OS

If you are not familiar with browser settings and do not know how to work with the registry editor, try rolling back operating system. That is, return its previous settings, recorded in a special restore point.

Attention! Before Windows recovery transfer data that is of particular value to you (photos, videos, application presets) to another partition (for example, drive D).

1. Open the Start menu (Win key).

2. B search bar enter "Recovery".

3. Click “System Restore” in the list of programs that appear.

4. In the System Restore window, read the warning and click Next.

5. Select a restore point by clicking the mouse (focus on the date it was saved).

7. Start the OS rollback procedure: click “Finish”.

8. To confirm activation of recovery, click “Yes” in the additional window.

9. If the operation is successful, a message will appear indicating the state to which day/month/year the system was restored.

If the virus is still present in browsers, try rolling back to a previously saved point.

Speedy recovery to your PC!
